Consumer Unity

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Consumer Unity & Trust Society, Rajsthan

CUTS International (Consumer Unity & Trust Society) began its journey in 1983 in Rajasthan, from a rural development communication initiative, a wall newspaper Gram Gadar (Village Revolution). This monthly wall newspaper is published regularly and has been instrumental in providing a forum for the oppressed classes to get justice.

Concerned Person Name: Dr. Veena Vidyadharan
Mobile: 9829999986
Address Address Line 1: CONSUMER UNITY & TRUST SOCIETY (CUTS) D–217, Bhaskar Marg, Bani Park,Jaipur 302016, Rajasthan, India
Address Line 2:
City: Jaipur
PostalCode: 302016
State: Rajasthan
Google Map
Last Updated On 01-17-2025

SEED supported organization