Technology for testing soil, leaves and produce for advisory service to farmers. (
Technology for Testing Soil and Advisory Service to Farmers Technology for Testing Soil and Advisory Service to Farmers

Conventional methods for testing soil are often slow and expensive. MCRC in collaboration with IITM has developed a standardized, cost-effective procedure of image-forming technique such as Circular Paper Chromatography (CPC) and artificial intelligence (case base reasoning) techniques to analyse the nutrients, organic carbon, and humus present in the soil. The report on the amount of fertilizer added to the soil for a particular crop to be cultivated and recommendation of crop for the type of soil in the field is generated with 24hrs and delivered to farmers. The service, available to farmers, industries, and research institutions, testing costs only Rs. 200 per test for soil making it much cheaper than conventional methods. It is already being used by various organizations.

Category Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Developed By Shri A.M.M. Murugappa Chettiar Research Centre (MCRC)
Under SEED support? Yes
Current Status

Further MCRC developed a portable kit which will carry backside of two wheeler and test soil sample at farm gate. For better understanding of soil test report and recommendation by rural farmers, MCRC is implementing the crop advisory service by engaging the experienced agri experts. The soil test report and recommendations will be interpreted by experts and explain to farmers for easy understanding of reports and apply correct inputs to get better yield. MCRC is also continuously working on demonstrating to more people and improvement of AAT (Alternative Analytical Technology).

Concerned Person Name: Dr J Arunkumar
Phone: +91 9003092456
Keywords/Tags soil test, soil nutrient analysis, Alternate Analytical Technology
Last Updated On 12-08-2024