Hollow Brick Production Technology using Soft Extrusion(2014-15)Phase II
Hollow Brick Production Technology using Soft Extrusion(2014-15)Phase II Hollow Brick Production Technology using Soft Extrusion(2014-15)Phase II

Based on the low cost extruder, Development Alternatives has developed a process for producing hollow bricks. Various experiments have shown that with the soft extrusion technology, a maximum of 14% hollowness can be achieved. The holes are round shaped with three holes equidistant to the length of the bricks. Combined with a waste use of 5-10%, this type of bricks has a capacity to save 25% of soil.



Compressive strength tests of hollow bricks have shown an increase of 3 times compared to normal hand molded bricks using the same soil quality.

Category Housing
Developed By Development Alternatives - Technology and Action for Rural Advancement
Under SEED support? Yes
Current Status

The machine is being commercially marketed by TARA Machines and Tech Services Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi under a licensed agreement to manufacture, sell and service the same.

Concerned Person Name: Dr Soumen Maity
Phone: 9415031184
Email: smaity@devalt.org
Last Updated On 07-04-2024