DST-SUNIL program
Strengthening, Upscaling and Nurturing Local Innovations for Livelihood (SUNIL) program, earlier named as Technology Advancement for Rural Areas (TARA) program under SEED Division. This program aims to support technology delivery and creation of social enterprise model for Economical Weaker Section (EWS) section of society. Program focuses on need-based action research to identify local & systematic solution to implement S & T based projects at community level.
SUNIL programme is not only limited to the deployment of many field-tested models and location-specific technologies to meet the needs of citizens, it also encourages improving their S&T knowledge, skill enhancement, capacity building and socio-economic conditions in the areas of Natural Resource Management; Drinking Water & Sanitation; Education; Health & Nutrition; Social Security; Local transport & Development; Electricity & Clean Energy; Entertainment; Integrated-farming & best practices; Linking people to financial services; Phone & Internet facilities; Livelihood & skill development etc.
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