Development Alternatives - Technology and Action for Rural Advancement
Development Alternatives - Technology and Action for Rural Advancement

Development Alternatives is a non-profit organization engaged in research and action for sustainable development. It was established in 1983 and is registered under the Societies Registration Act with the Government of India. In collaboration with sister organizations, TARA, TNK, TARAhaat and DESI Power, which together with Development Alternatives form the DA Group, it believes that “development”, being a dynamic process, is all about evolving inter-relationships between social and environmental factors, particularly interactions between nature, machines, institutions and people. The Organization works towards creating sustainable livelihoods for the poor, fulfilling basic needs and delivering eco-solutions. This is achieved by empowering rural communities by developing their capacities and skills, enabling them to create small, local enterprises. Built on DA’s innovative low carbon technologies and market principles, these enterprises help build local economies and communities, while maintaining a minimum ecological footprint.
Concerned Person Name: Dr. Soumen Maity
Mobile: 9415031184
Address Address Line 1: B 32, TARA Crescent ,
Address Line 2:
LandMark: Qutub Institutional Area,
City: New Delhi
PostalCode: 110016
State: New Delhi
Directions DA works on the principle of intensification in areas of influence and scaling out through networking with commercial and development partners. Thus its major area of work is in the 13 districts of Bundelkhand which is considered one of the poorest areas in the country. Through networking with various partners DA also reaches out primarily to the Hindi belt of the country. However business interests are spread out over the entire country and even abroad. In the last couple of years Development Alternatives Group has been spreading rapidly across India and globally. In India through working partners, service providers and commercial affiliate’s activities, DA Group technologies have reached almost to the entire country. Project and business interest has also seen the need of disseminating DA Group technologies in Asia and Africa currently. These are mostly in areas of resource efficiency and low carbon technologies creating livelihoods. Thus DA Group has reached to Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Vietnam etc. DA through its affiliate TARA has also been actively engaged in Cameroon, South Africa and recently in Malawi for dissemination of technologies.
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Last Updated On 06-26-2024

SEED supported organization