Technological Advancement for Rural Areas (TARA)
This scheme under SEED programmes is essentially to provide long term core support to Science based Voluntary Organizations/field institutions to promote and nurture them as “S&T Incubators” / “Active Field Laboratories” in rural and other disadvantaged areas to work and provide technological solutions and effective delivery of technologies for livelihood generation & societal benefits.

Programme Focus:
  • Focus to support for innovation (i.e. technology evelopment/adaptation) & working technology system with multiplication.
  • Long-term Action Research Programmes with defined goals for development, field testing and adoption of appropriate technologies to address location specific needs rather than “institutional support”..
  • Focus sharply on demonstrable replicability and enterprise models: shift to non farm and service sectors.
  • Especially to support core S&T manpower otherwise difficult to retain in grassroot organizations.
  • Strengthen a network of S&T capable organizations in the country for application and propagation of appropriate technologies to address location-specific user needs through participatory approach.
Eligibility Conditions & Selection Mechanism:
  • Organizations with minimum 10 years field level experience in rural technology development and management with proven capability of delivering technology model(s) through adaptive R & D for field level application.
  • Having minimum infrastructure to work as core supported group (CSG), like land and demonstrate working relations with Panchayats/State Govt. from long-term sustainability point of view.
    The organization should have experience in handling projects having focus on S &T with support from scientific departments of Govt. of India.
  • Selection is based on initial scrutiny at the department level/presentation of proposal before the expert committee (1st level of screening). Based on the recommendation of the expert committee, proposal is further evaluated (2nd level of screening) by a on-site evaluation by expert team to assess need, capability and delivery potential of the organization for proposed programme/activities. After on the spot evaluation, the proposal along with assessment report of the visiting expert team is examined by the expert committee for final recommendation
Funding of Projects : If approved, core funding is provided initially for a period of five to ten years subject to periodic review which may be extendable upto fifteen years and more.

Submission of Application: Separate format may be obtained (ensuring the fulfillment of above mentioned eligibility criterion) on a request to

Dr. Debapriya Dutta
Head /Scientist G

Science for Equity, Empowerment & Development (SEED) Division Department of Science & Technology
New Mehruali Road, New Delhi - 110016
Telefax: 011-26590355
Email: ddutta@nic.inĀ