NBIRT is promoting Ferro Cement product for rural housing for couple of years. NBIRT has developed this earthquake resistant Ferro Cement Panel by providing wire mesh which are now being used in Tripura. However, this production unit is manual and the quality of the  product are not assured. NBIRT has signed a MOU with Development Alternative, New Delhi for mechanisation of existing Ferro Cement Production unit and manpower development. India, although has made a considerable technological progress in housing sector but still almost 40% of rural population lives in mud house which is prone to natural calamities, theft etc. It is also unhygienic due to lack of proper ventilation and natural lighting. Low cost Ferro cement panel is a viable alternative to eliminate the above factors in cheaper rate than the conventional brick made houses. The conventional brick made houses lead to high emission of inappropriate gases causing pollution and increasing the global heat. Due to transportation of the goods like rods, cement etc, more of pollution is percolated in the air. These dangerous possibilities take a back seat when the ferro cement panels are used in building construction. Ferro cement wall panels are made of OPC, PPC or blast furnace slag cement, aggregates and reinforcements like Wire Mesh: Chicken mesh, welded mesh, woven mesh, Hexagonal mesh etc. and skeletal reinforcement as steel wire or small diameter steel bar. NBIRT has already developed these panels but the present process is manual resulting into low productivity. A few houses have also been constructed with these FC panels. Under the Core support scheme the process of manufacturing these FC panel will be mechanized (semi automatic) for high productivity with an excellent quality and this technology can be helpful for more people.  The longevity of these houses is expected to be good in the years to come.

Category Housing
Developed By NB Institute for Rural Technology(NBIRT)
Under SEED support? Yes
Current Status
Concerned Person Name:
Last Updated On 07-05-2024