Most poor households in rural areas cannot cook their entire meal in LPG. They need low cost wood burning stoves to cook their daily meal. The Sarala stove constructed locally using mud and other local materials has been well accepted in south India for many years now. Through the core support, TIDE is training women in the north east, the sub Himalayan and other forest fringe areas in central India to build the stove. But as the food cooked and the vessels used are slightly different from region to region, TIDE has had to modify the mould designs to suit the food habits in different parts of the country. TIDE has developed user specific Sarala stove mould designs for
The north east region for 1-5, and 6-10, member families.
The sub Himalayan region for 1-5 and 6-10, member families
The peninsula region additionally for 6-10 member families