Bio-pesticides Production at HH level as well as CBOs level
Bio-pesticides Production at HH level as well as CBOs level Bio-pesticides Production at HH level as well as CBOs level


Almost every household has livestock and getting benefit from animals. However the amount invested for rearing and the output received is not matched as expected due to various reasons. The below mention interventions have been initiated to enhance the output through animal health and feed management.

·        Training the livestock keepers on Scientific Health Management practices such as deworming, vaccination, castration, feed supplementary and protected conditions against climate variability etc.

·        Demonstration on the approaches for enhancing the genetic potential of local breed (Goat), assessment and identification of dual purpose breed.

·        Demonstration on the package of practices of perennial grasses such as BHN10 and NB 21 as well as high yielding fodders viz., Bajra and Jowar.


The field trials are going on. 

Category Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Under SEED support? Yes
Current Status

At present the project is in second year. Till August 2020 total number of 114 demonstrations on fodder viz., BHN -10 were conducted in 15 project villages.

For the first time, Goat camps were introduced in these tribal project villages. So far, 11 Goat Camps had been completed and total of 1591 Goats have been vaccinated and dewormed.

The trials on fodder development based on the area specific following the scientific package of practices are ongoing.


Documentation of the results is in progress.

Concerned Person Name: Mr.Paresh Patel
Phone: 9898400297
Last Updated On 07-07-2024

Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Technologies