Interventions have been made aiming at scouting and introducing suitable technologies for tapping of rain water, to facilitate innovative storage, ensure water use efficiency and create revive traditional practices and there by create long term reserves in this water scarce region.
Specific Technologies:
Pilot scale introduction of aquifer recharge measure through interventions in Kutch region like well recharge, bore well recharge measures for improved availability of underground water resource and for reduced salinity.
Improvised and introduced a family based water storage system (Tanka+ Agor ,roof top rainwater tapping ,rejuvenation of farm ponds , low cost drip irrigation systems ) with water use efficiency inputs to address the critical need of water in arid regions . Method standardized for revival of tradition of underground tanks with required improvisations to tap maximum rainwater, allow storage of water and promote water use efficiency
Due to improved availability of water near households the hardship of desert women stands reduced