Promotion of Black pepper and Ginger
 Promotion of Black pepper and Ginger Promotion of Black pepper and Ginger

Black pepper and ginger are two very important and widely used and traded spice crops in

Kerala. CAbC, MSSRF has been taking efforts to collect, document and conserve the most

valuable landraces and wild relatives of these two spice crops in the past few years. And the

centre had identified two potential areas where technological intervention is needed for linking

science and technology to the livelihood improvement of rural farming community.

Soilless ginger seed production program

As the crop is prone to few soil-born bacterial and viral diseases that are fatal, production and

distribution of disease free seed materials of ginger was identified as one of the most urgent step

to be taken to promote ginger cultivation in the district. A technology of producing ginger using

coir dust mixed with required nutrient mixtures was found suitable for producing disease free

seed materials. This is now being adapted and up-scaled for producing seed materials in large

quantity. In addition, efforts are also being taken up for facilitating training in good agricultural

practices, giving thrust to organic cultivation of ginger.

Production unit for value added products of ginger

Ginger is being traded largely in the raw form except the dried ginger used as medicine, which

includes very simple processing technique. Hence the potential demand for ginger based

products in the local as well as regional market of Malabar (North Kerala) has been planned to

tap by establishing a ginger based production unit through dissemination of proven technologies

of value addition of ginger in Wayanad district.


The production unit is being set up at Pulpally, Wayanad, by forming a women group (Ardrakam

women organic ginger initiative) with 10 members for running the unit and one farmer group

with 50 women members for production of organic raw materials. The products identified are

dry ginger powder, tea cuts, pickles, candy, ginger paste etc.

Bush pepper production program

Bush pepper is a minuscule pepper plant, raised from its fruiting branches, grown in pot/field and

maintained as bush for ornamental and economic purpose. This technology has been identified as

one of the most promising ventures for pepper farmers/nursery holders. This is being achieved


through establishment of two community nurseries in Wayanad district.

Category Health
Developed By M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation Community Agrobiodiversity Centre
Under SEED support? Yes
Current Status
Concerned Person Name:
Last Updated On 07-05-2024

Health Technologies